The “Week of prayer
for the unity of Christians”

in the words of Cristina Beffa

Biancarosa Magliano (courtesy)

Italian version

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Cristina Beffa, daughter of St. Paul, graduated in philosophy and a professional journalist is, at present, the Directress of the Editorial Pauline audio-visual, the Directress of Novaradio and vice-directress of the magazine Famiglia Oggi (family today). She does not want to renounce to the many experiences heaped up in her life and proposes to transfer into the audio-visual field all that she has learned: the family is a resource for the society of all times, therefore also for today’s one; its crises and the problematic linked with it are strictly bound to the social changes; the family is to be supported with adequate politics, rather than finding faults with it. School, liturgy, spectacle, entertaining for children-adolescents-youths –with a particular attention to the values of life, of nature, solidarity and peace- are the sectors towards which she orients her editorial attention. We have addressed a few questions to her.

To you, how far has the ecumenical dialogue gone?

«There are many positive experiences and this is proved by the Third Ecumenical European Assembly organised in Sibiu, Romania (4-9 September 2007), on the theme, “The light of Christ illumines all men and women. Hope of renewal and unity in Europe” The meeting was jointly promoted by two European organisms: the Ccee that puts together the 34 Episcopal Conferences of Europe, and the Kek. 2.100 official delegates from all the Christian Churches in Europe attended the Assembly. The three words of the theme: all, hope, unity, underline the truth that there is no exclusion of anyone; difficulties and delays do not cause fear; the last reminder is always that of the Gospel, implored by Jesus himself from the Father: “….that they may be one”. The XVI International Marian Symposium, held in the Marianum Pontifical Theological Faculty, Rome, on the theme, “Mary in the Western Ecumenical Dialogue” confirms it further. Moreover, to prove that the said attention is constant, I wish to highlight that the literature on ecumenism is truly abundant.

Of course, these themes should be studied and deepened not only by the so-called experts –Bible experts and theologians- but really by all, because all of us are called to unity, which –like love- constitutes the essentiality of Christian life. In fact, it has been written that, “ecumenism questions every believer”.  

In some dioceses the dialogue has never been interrupted; even the workers continue to go ahead. Yet, to me, much more could be done by the Catholic community and, above all, initiatives towards unity should never be discouraged”.  

What does the 2008 theme suggest to the women religious, today?

«This year’s theme is, “Pray constantly”, the biblical text taken from the First Letter of Paul to the Thessalonians, namely: pray without interruptions, without intermittences, without intervals. This is a very interesting theme, because prayer changes life and the mentality of persons: it changes their going towards others. Prayer leads to overcome frailties, loosens recurring tensions and launches us towards new winning posts, never dreamt of before; it arouses inedited pushes; it opens new horizons, favouring our being in the will of the Father to be available for everyone. In fact, we are all God’s children and we Christians, though of different confessions, must truly consider us as brothers and, as such, we must esteem and exhort one another to live the Gospel with humility, in search of the truth and in sharing the Word”.

How can everything find authenticity in our personal life?

«We religious have always been living of prayer, but I am tempted to underline that today’s society, in its constant transformations and “liquidity”, as the Sociologist Zygmunt Bauman says, is strongly in need of stability, security and serenity. Today, society asks from us an existential answer, flowing from coherent experiences and full responsibility, without delays or hesitations. We can attain all this only through listening and prayer. There is no other way. In fact, prayer makes a person to grow in everything, not only in spiritual life. The encounter with God is always, anyhow, an encounter with humanity, with the persons walking at my side. We are not afraid of different confessions, because we know well the One we believe in and in whom we put our trust. Above all –even through our multiple activities and perhaps ever more pestering commitments- we are expected to be provokers of ecumenical dialogue, with wise intelligence and qualified preparation. After all, this year we celebrate the centenary of the Octave of prayers for the unity of Christians, launched by Paul Wattson, Episcopalian Minister, in 1908. Anniversaries are useful to commemorate, but also to push us beyond. We should remember this and should dream of building up bridges of love, hope, peace and universal brotherhood. Prayer offers us the courage and audacity to go ahead along the ways of dialogue”.  

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