Family, work, free time

in the words of
Father José Granados

edited by R. Salerno

     (march 2012)

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Italian version

It’s less than two months to the seventh World Meeting of Families planned in Milan from 30 May to 3 June. Four intense days that will concluded with Mass celebrated by Pope Benedict XVI at Parco Nord Sunday, June 3. One million visitors are waited for the event this time focused on family, work, free time: three words that will be disentangled through various conferences, meetings, and nine catechesis. To this World  Meeting, among others, Father José Granados will take part with a report on "Celebrating the holiday in family: rituals and gestures in familiar experience." Father Granados is a religious of the Disciples of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. He is Professor of Theology of Marriage and the Family and Vice Dean at the Pontifical Institute John Paul II, the middle section. He received his doctorate in theology in the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome (Premio Bellarmino). From 2004 to 2009 he taught at the U.S. branch of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute at Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. He is also a gratuate in Industrial Engineering at the Pontifical Universidad of Comillas (ICAI), Madrid.

Among his publications, Signos en la carne: El matrimonio y los otros sacramentos, Monte Carmelo, Burgos 2011; La carne si fa amore. Il corpo, cardine della storia della salvezza, Cantagalli, Siena 2010; Teología de los misterios de la vida de Jesús: ensayo de una cristología soteriológica, Sígueme, Salamanca 2009; Called to Love. Approaching John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, DoubleDay, New York 2009 (with Carl A. Anderson); Betania: una casa para el amigo. Pilares de espiritualidad familiar, Monte Carmelo, Burgos 2010 (con José Noriega); Los misterios de la vida de Cristo en Justino Mártir, Analecta Gregoriana 2005.

We have asked to him some questions about the appointment of Milan and the familiar establishment, between crisis and opportunity.

Thirty years after the promulgation of Familiaris Consortio, the Apostolic Exhortation of John Paul II is still relevant , by the light of the European scene?

"I think that that the apostolic exhortation is still very relevant, starting a deep reflection on anthropology, this very of the pontificate of John Paul II, about the familiar man that enables us to understand man in his familiar size and in relationship with God in terms of marriage and familiar relationships. In this sense, this reflection has triggered a careful analysis,  both philosophical and theological. Secondly, the papal document has provided to a vision of family not more privatized as if it was just a matter between private parties, giving to the family a sentimental value, as a sort of refuge for the affections of the individual that has nothing to do with public, social and ecclesial life. Consequently, the F.C. insists on social and ecclesial relief of the familiar institution, a current transformation now more than ever, in times of challenges to which the family is called to respond."

Do you think that the term "domestic church", applied to the Christian family, is valuable today?

"I think it's mainly the need to relate the Church with the family. The family, in fact, is important to understand the Church, as the Church is important to understand the family. His value lies in this relationship, in this ecclesiology, in this view of the Church and family. The family is a little domestic Church, the Church is a great family. We need to understand familiar structures and understand the vision of the family as the subject of evangelization, and what the Church implements on the family. It is not only care and promotion of the family, but also as a resource. It makes family an active subject of society, so that the family herself may be evangelizer and trainer within the society."

Can religious men and women help to support families? How?

"We must adhere to the teachings of John Paul II about this theme. The religious life is not different from the dynamics of familiar life. The religious life is understood in terms of familiar life. The religious persons are sons and daughter, they are married within the Church bride, they have a spiritual fatherhood and motherhood, being so intimately related to the familiar categories they can help family with good reason. Firstly, I would say that living in the household, religious persons can offer a concrete witness to society and families, helping to see the finish line of the Kingdom of Heaven, that is the ultimate meaning of their familiar vocation. Therefore, loyalty is a testimony to the religious life and a sign of being a family that is loving. In this sense, the way to go is the same. This World Meeting of Families is also a meeting of religious life, in a way. The religious persons are able to offer a special support to families in difficulty or suffering from the lack of children because the religious life is projected into eternity and live a spiritual fruitfulness. The religious can support families who are struggling in a thousand of every kind difficulties because they can help families to live their Christian specificity.

The mission of religion is, first, an education to love but I know the commitment of religious men and women in counseling centers and support of life. But the theme of education is central helping the family to learn to love."

What are you expecting for the VII World Meeting of Families planning in Milan from next May 30 to June 3?

"The value of these meetings is in their Christian witness. They help to see the beauty of life in communion, the joy of sharing…Witnessing before the world the positive role of the family and make it clearing that the crisis or difficulty doesn’t look to the family as a struggle, but instead as a source of hope of life. This meeting that represents a Christian proposal is a celebration of joy and life. The Gospel of the family is passed family after family  testifying a great life. This allows you to watch with interest the various ecclesial initiatives because putting in the communion, you will leave enriched. The family come together to witness each other and it makes great experience. There are of course other objectives such as to emphasize the social value of family valuing work and celebration’s time. It is the Church's proposal on the family as a social resource that requires some changes in economic and political matter. We must change our vision to make it easier to relational and familiar measure above all. The family theme concerns the community, the common good and not just the special interest of the individual and their private happiness.

Some time ago, our Institute has sponsored a conference, in view of the meeting of Milan, on the theme 'work and family "which was attended by economists and business leaders. The discussion centered around this: the problem  is not so much reconciling work time with the family, but how to harmonize these for mutual enrichment. So, even the corporate world can be enriched with the contribution of the individual, not as isolated individuals. He also faced the other side of the coin: even the family is basically a job, going for the value and role of women in the works."

What are the implications of this type of World Meetings?

"I think that raises awareness of the role played by the family in society and the Church. In this time of unbridled individualism and negative economic situation, the proposal of the Church appears as a positive one that should affect the family’s pastoral, as her key action. The appearance of renewal and strengthening of family’s pastoral goes hand in hand with the commitment in the social institution of the family. These are the two spheres of influence of World Meetings, in my opinion. The Church sees the family as a resource and not as a problem to solve. Often you attend to family issues, as in the parish or in the diocese. But this way is not to be faced."

How should we promote familiar associations of civil commitment?

"These associations are very important  such as the Forum of Familiar Associations for their own contribution. The family, alone, is not able to withstand the impact of current issues. It must always enter into a relationship with the society that must support and not replace it. "
Can you define the current situation of the family in Italy and Europe?

"I know in particular the Spanish situation that  is more critical than Italian for laws passed not for/ pro-family, compounded by economic difficulties. What seems clear is the crisis of the current economic model. I think that ultimately there is an underlying cultural problem that is based on the individualistic view of the person, in isolation and not in relation to familiar dynamics. In this sense, Europe is experiencing a crisis due to its inability to look at the person in the family key. It should be noted also that the population decline is an aggravating factor in this situation ".

What initiatives does Institute John Paul II for the family promote for the World Meeting in Milan?

"We will have a stand of our own that will allow us to introduce also our publishing initiatives and our courses. We will also disseminate proposals, launched at the World Youth Day on the theme of education for love. We built on this subject, some videos with focus on the theology of the body of John Paul II in connection with the theology of beauty in art. We will make known, through some relationships, our contribution to the truth of God's love and about family, about what is really the family. Why the crisis of the family is not linked so much to the morality of people, but rather a cultural crisis. There is a lack in the individualistic culture that is a debate long been initiated by our Institute."

What challenges, on the front of the family, consult the Church by the light of the recent judgment of the Supreme Court on same-sex couples?

"One of the biggest challenges is related to the family not as a private matter. You can not take account only of his own emotions, we must think in key collective and common good. If you do not fully understand this principle, one can not think of a society’s future. You think of marriage as an emotional choice, without regard to the common good, to the wealth of the family able to give birth to children and to educate them and as such an asset /wealth to society. You can not judge only in affective sense: this is the main difficulty of the current situation. Children need a father and a mother. Hence the family founded on marriage as a union stable, capable of social wealth. Outside this, everything takes a look weak."

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